Diane Hartman was re-elected to serve her second term on the PDMP Board of Directors in November 2020 and was elected to Vice President in 2020. As part of the dynamic team at Scattered Acres, Diane headquarters with her husband Ed and son Harrison at the Hartman Family’s Reinford operation, where they milk 650 of their 1000 Holsteins. The remaining 350 Holsteins, also milked 3 times per day, for a total production average of 29400 between the two, are located in Berks County. With heifers raised in additional locations, “Scattered Acres” is a most descriptive brand for these early implementers of satellite dairies.
While Diane loves the cows, and takes on any role as needed throughout the operation, she is primarily responsible for all the operations computer records; essential for keeping it all straight within such a spread-out operation, as is her responsibility of working with employees training and communications between crews, herdsman, vet, owners, etc. Diane holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development from Penn State University. She is an active member of Alsace Lutheran Church and an advisor for the FSA committee as well as a member of Farm Women of Berks Co.