Andy Bollinger is in partnership with his father Tom at Meadow Spring Farm, in Lancaster County. Together with 3 other full time and 20 part time employees, they manage 470 adult cows, 440 heifers and 675 acres of forages and corn grain. Andy manages Meadow Spring Farm with a passion for learning and trying new things. And the Bollingers are just as committed to sharing their lessons learned with fellow PDMP members; from exposing their own ups and downs of farm transition between generations at Dairy Summit, to showing their peers, first-hand how they tackled their manure management issues in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. With his love for dairying and commitment to advancing his family's business, Andy embodies PDMP membership and embraces our shared purpose to advance the State’s dairy industry through improved productivity and economic viability with continued stewardship of our animals, environment and community.